Master Thesis Works 2023

“Natura Morta con Pomodoro, Aglio, Basilico, e Olio d’Oliva” 11”x14” Oil on linen. 2023 $3500

“Natura Morta con Pomodoro, Aglio, Basilico,, e Olio d’Oliva”  is a still life painting that describes the basic ingredients for a heritage Italian recipe. Italians are renowned for their culinary skills, family recipes and attention to detail of taste, color and texture. My still life is an expression of classical Italian ingredients, tomatoes, garlic, basil, and olive oil - each at the height of its color, texture, and flavor.

While in Florence a few years ago, I watched a woman at a fruit and vegetable stall. She stooped over the crates of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and other colorful vegetables. I watched as she leaned in, inspected a tomato with her eyes and hand as she held it to her nose. It took a few tries before a tomato made it into her wicker basket. Later at the large indoor market, a couple intensely tried various cheeses, working with the cheesemonger to find the right fit for their dinner party. “Natura Morta” is a statement for food selected and made beautifully. Possibly it will nudge at the viewer to recreate an heirloom recipe or perhaps bring back a sweet memory from years ago. 

The 11x14in still life, “Natura Morta con Pomodoro, Aglio, Basilico, e Olio d’Oliva” describes tomatoes, garlic, basil and olive oil in their order of importance.  The bright, ripe cherry tomatoes are the focus, as the garlic strategically flavors off to the side of the picture plane.  Basil and olive oil slip into the background, representing their light accents and lingering flavors. A knife lays quietly nearby, upon a well used and loved cutting board. 

The 8x10in painting features a small group of tomatoes, sprawled out on a cutting board with a simple knife. The mood is anticipation, what will become the next step. This study will also nod towards my experience with the Florentine shopper, who carefully selected each tomato with care. 

Experiences and memories are something that continues to be a theme in much of my work. My witness of the shopper was a moment of time and place that has become a story in my memory bank. One that makes me think about slowing down, choosing carefully and with intention. Memories are made in moments that touch our soul. Possibly I can produce a small work that stirs the memory of the viewer, who in turn, shares their journey with another. 


Birds Eye View


Memories Reimagined